Monday, January 31, 2011

Regia Guardia di Finanza: le divise a colori

Di seguito la divisa indossata da Umberto tratta dal filmato rai del 233° anniversario della fondazione del corpo.

La tipica bombetta con la penna

Soldati in parata

Un bel video per illustrare l'arma oggi


  1. How interesting another step into the life of Umberto D Angelo thanks to you Joe now has another unknown fact and the pleasure to learn more and more about the father he never knew. It is unbelievable how Joe lights up whenever he has learned each and every item you have been able to find out about his father. I do so hope you know the pleasure he has enjoyed from your findings. Angie

  2. Yes we know and as soon as possible we will have news about him,Antonio and, we hope, Bernardo...
