Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Terrabianca: a spasso per i luoghi dei Crevì / Walking around Terrabianca

Walking around Terrabianca, at Crevì's house


  1. A questo link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pkCCd1zOjk invece è possibile visionare un documentario su Baltimora che forse ci aiuta a capire perchè Umberto preferì rimanere...
    At the link above can be seen a clip on Baltimore that may helps us to understand why Umberto preferede to remain...

  2. Domenico & Roberta Maryland is a lovely area it is know as Little America with in a couple hours drive you can visit Atlantic Ocean to the Mountains of Western Maryland and the Seasonal changes are breath taking. Your walking tour is charming and with the music we feel like we are right there. Angie & Joe

  3. Se con due ore di macchina sei al mare o in montagna allora Baltimore è come l'Abruzzo, di cui si dice la stessa cosa. Inoltre è possibile che Umberto fosse un fan del famoso “sich ngh li ragn”, una prelibatezza di cui ho solo sentito parlare da un mio zio, e per la quale occorrono i granchi adatti che evidentemente non ho mai trovato
    If with two hours drive you are at the sea or mountains then Baltimore is like Abruzzo, the same things can be said about it. It is also possible that Umberto was a fan of the famous "sauce with crabs", a delicacy which I have only heard, and for which we need suitable crabs that evidently I have never found

  4. Yes we agreee the places seem a lot alike you can drive from one place to the other in one day for sure. OLD SPICE is the sauce/spice and you can sprinkle it on Fried Chicken also or any fish we also sprinkle it on many different foods like FF potatoes.
