Friday, February 11, 2011

Bei ricordi - Io e nonna

11 febbraio 2011: nove anni dalla sua scomparsa


  1. Love this picture so happy both of you. Wonderful memories for sure.I feel like I want to grab my hat and join you. Getting ready to pick the grapes maybe?

  2. It seems I am the only one still checking the blog????

  3. Oh no! You are not. Today, at moment, we have 11 hits, click on counter stats

  4. It is good people are still interested in the Blog as I can see 9 people have checked in today.
    I have kept a binder by printing out all that has been put on the blog in case it ever stops I will have most of the info in the binder

  5. Happy Easter and many Blessings to the entire D'Angelo Family

    Angie & Joe
